“Fallen on hard times?” he asked. His blue-eyed look pierces, all
the way in and through. It was less a question than a statement. Just that and
no more for the two days we worked together. A few seconds of connection.
We had followed the jeep he was a passenger in down the long
dirt driveway, allowing a little space to keep the dust from overwhelming us. I
was drinking a cup of coffee and the light of dawn had not quite filled the
sky. We parked our Geo just as they parked the old jeep with a red racing
stripe. He spoke as we all emerged from our rigs.
I wear a woven wool cap on the cold mornings of late summer.
Though I wonder if it was overkill today with temperatures of 55 degrees. When
the noon time temp is 95, 55 feels quite chill. The cap comes off before too
long. But not before I’ve spent an hour meditating on his words. “Fallen on
hard times?”
“He” is man nearing 80 years old who is one of 8 people
picking grapes on a two acre vineyard a few miles down the road from my ranch.
‘He’ is wearing a sweatshirt with a university logo and a knit hat over a
shaved head. I like the look of him without hair. He is remarkably handsome. ‘He’
is someone I respect a great deal. A man who grew up in the wilderness before
paved roads and electricity were common, he has real skills. I find him to be
one of the most interesting, independent and outspoken individuals I have ever
And that is in a small village of individuals. Not a village
of monoculturists, but a place where people still live (to an extent) outside
of the dictates of a society largely formed by media ideas.
So when ‘He’ makes a comment to me it is worth an hour of
meditation. “Fallen on hard times?” is his inquiry in to why I am picking
grapes. A job that is commonly assumed to belong to Mexicans. Illegal
immigrants. A woman who is ‘supposedly’ in the 90th percentile
of wealth in the USA….why is she picking grapes? A very fair question. An
interesting observation. An irritating comment. An insight into world view of
labor economics and social standing. Paradigm clashes?
To me, I am a woman helping a girlfriend, who is a wine
maker and has a two acre vineyard. Picking her pinot noir grapes before the
temperatures get too high. I live a few miles down the road and I love my
friend after 16 years of being her neighbor. To ‘him’ (and this is what I
imagine since I have not asked him why he picks) this is work that pays. It is
work that he may not do if there were not money involved (and again I am making
this up because of his comment). And if we lived in an area where there were day laborers available down near the hardware store then he might never
find himself picking. But we happen to live in a remote and out of the everyday
pocket of wilderness California. There are not Mexicans available for hire on
the corner (there is no corner) near the hardware store (no store). So my friend asks her friends and a few
trusted people she knows will show up to help. Some she pays and some pick her
grapes as an experience and a gift.
But I pick and I think about how ‘we’ as a culture have
defined work to such an extent that picking grapes is a ‘demeaning’ job that at
least one person calls work that others will do if they have ‘fallen on hard
times’. Because when I am picking the grapes it is impossible to ignore that it butt hard
work. Literally. I am doing the equivalent of squats for three or four hours
while holding my arms up and working both at the same time. I am sore for
several days afterwards. I think of it as going to the ‘Boot Camp’ many pay
good money to do. And I get to have this workout among friends out under a very
blue sky, breathing clean air, in a place where wild turkeys roam by and big
bucks saunter through. I might even see the bear that has been trying to eat
the grapes every afternoon. It’s all a matter of perspective. The perfume of chardonnay, sticky sweetness running down my arms, the delight of popping a small cluster into my mouth as I continue to work...mmmm....as the cool dawn transforms to the warmth of a late summer morning....“He” speaks of
this labor as work you only do if you have nothing better. And I (sadly)
suspect that few people agree with me. Most people would see my picking grapes
not as a luxury spa boot camp workout but as degrading labor for a woman who
holds degrees in applied math and engineering.
When the sun breaks over the ridge line illuminating
pine needles with a fine white light, a light I have tried to capture in
fiber art for many years, I am not thinking about who labors doing what and
where that places you in societal status, but rather I am thinking that all of
us hold the possibility of expressing the grandeur of nature…that exquisite radiance....as one of the
natural beings…just because we exist, not because of what we do. I wonder if
maybe time is best spent melting in to our ‘right’ (whatever this may be) relationship
in this natural world.