Saturday, January 2, 2016

Cosmic Convergence 2015 in Santiago Atitlan

Never did I imagine I would one day have the honor to sit with people from around the world at the edge of Lago de Atitlan, Guatemala. Sharing a boat ride across the lake to Santiago Atitlan listening to the languages of French, Japanese, Tzutujil and Spanish I could understand little bits of each language and gratitude filled me that I have slowly, like a slug moving on dry earth, begun to learn how to form words. An early morning sit on the edge of this lake as dawn just made her appearance once again the birds called good morning and gratitude filled me again acknowledging bird language as universal. At Cosmic Convergence I have spoken with lovely people from Brazil, Israel, Japan, Guatemala, El Salvador, Canada, Germany, Australia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Spain,Chile, Argentina and the United States. All gathered to learn a universal language of love.

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