Saturday, January 2, 2016

Cosmic Convergence 2015 in Santiago Atitlan

Never did I imagine I would one day have the honor to sit with people from around the world at the edge of Lago de Atitlan, Guatemala. Sharing a boat ride across the lake to Santiago Atitlan listening to the languages of French, Japanese, Tzutujil and Spanish I could understand little bits of each language and gratitude filled me that I have slowly, like a slug moving on dry earth, begun to learn how to form words. An early morning sit on the edge of this lake as dawn just made her appearance once again the birds called good morning and gratitude filled me again acknowledging bird language as universal. At Cosmic Convergence I have spoken with lovely people from Brazil, Israel, Japan, Guatemala, El Salvador, Canada, Germany, Australia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Spain,Chile, Argentina and the United States. All gathered to learn a universal language of love.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

broken wings

they keep flying
       gathering nectar
do they know
                their wings
     are not whole?

                                        no matter

nutrient gifts these beauties


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Remaining in an Open Heart through Expansion and Contraction

It is just not possible to stay in the high of magic days. That is not the point. I attended twelve step meetings for years and heard people over and over again confessing their idea that the goal was to never feel bad if they followed the steps. And I have had this illusion take hold more than once around what staying in my open heart means. Being in an open heart is not about which emotions are currently flowing through. Feeling love is not only euphoria. Feeling love is allowing everything and staying with an open heart. Sitting under the apple tree I am captivated by the full range and degree of open blossoms. I don't judge the closed blossom as less, in fact to my eye it has a hue more enchanting than the fully open neighbor. Both and rather than either or. So these ordinary days are my opportunity to practice staying with my heart fully open and be gentle as I feel less than stellar in my emotions.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Mystical Hummingbird

They came to sit in my hands, twice, in one day. Their timing as subtle and brilliant as dolphin. Each time it was after a phone call with people that have presented me with the most refined opportunities to love. People who have offered me lessons on the difference between seduction and love. Martin Prechtel says Love is not about what I is about what Love wants. Seduction is acting in ways to get what I want. In both of these relationships I have deeply longed for what I want. In one for decades. In the other for years. On this day when hummingbird came to land in my hand I made a ceremony to release a particular pattern of fear around staying open in my heart. A week before I had made ceremony to release patterns about what I need and want around one of these relationships.  I participated in a ceremony to let love in. During these calls I felt love and seduction both suggesting how to be present and chose to rest in love, free from the grip of what I want. Hummingbird came to me after each call. I felt love vibrate through me, very high light. I receive it as a healing for my own heart and for those two special humans I adore. There is such spaciousness in the love of a hummingbird....big freedom....and it is a tender gift to shepherd with great care.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The rewards of a deep Sit.

Lilac is a plant kingdom equivalent of Shibuya Crossing. I didn't take photos when I was in Shibuya, I was in awe and having an aha moment. Take a look at these images for an idea. Lilac feels the same way. I am compelled to go out each day and sit. I watch the air traffic above wishing it was possible to capture all the action this plant calls in. This plant is where IT is happening.
It is deeply soothing to simply sit and watch the show. I am learning much nuance about butterfly. How to sit so they come in close. How to move so they don't all scatter and disappear. How to melt myself and be with the entire audio, visual, sensual scene. From the most humble to regal, all come here for what can only be called a love in. All these beings come to make love with lilac. And lilac provides her life sustaining nectar. Euphoria in the garden. My heart makes love with all of this. They make love with me.